6 years trained in linguistics and 3.5 years young in advertising, with a slightly concerning obsession with the role and value of language in our lives.

I’ve fallen in love with my chosen path in copywriting ever since discovering it hones both my analytical inclination and creative potential.

In other words, I get to play mad scientist every day, investigating and experimenting everything from ideas and angles to sounds and structures, to derive meaning in what I do.

Wrote about my early years fumbling into being a creative here, in Little Black Book’s Creativity Squared :)

Brands I’ve Worked With

and more!


Further Interests

  • I wish there was a mythical origin story of how my creative soul was awakened. Truth be told, it was just weekly trips to the movies and probably too way too much lunchtime telly growing up. Shocker, but ad was actually the practical choice! Otherwise, I’d like to have become a film critic.

    Still giving it a shot every now and then on Letterboxd, @andrearaeburn.

  • You’ll almost always find some part of me in my work. Sure, copywriting lets me crack some sticky problems in the world out there, but burying myself in the throes of research, turning what I find inside out, thinking, overthinking, putting pen to paper and creating… all these get me to the answers closest to my heart.

    That’s why in my final year of university, I turned a lifelong identity crisis of sorts that myself and those around me have experienced into a research pursuit. For my graduating honours thesis, I dug into the complications of mother tongue education for Eurasians in Singapore. A brief abstract on what I found, learnt and recommended moving forward here (feel free to slide into my DMs if you’d like to see the 104-pager)!

    One of my most fulfilling endeavours and proudest feats to date.